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The average salary for a Real Estate Manager in U.S. is $78,400.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $78,400


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $37.69


What does a Real Estate Manager earn?

On average, real estate managers earn around $78,400 per year in the U.S.. Real estate managers coordinate activities and processes related to the operations of commercial, industrial and residential properties and facilities. They are responsible for budgeting, renting out property and ensuring the efficient maintenance of their portfolio. They must also be familiar with relevant laws, regulations and policies.

How to earn more as a Real Estate Manager

To become a Real Estate Manager, you will need a degree in real estate, business management, or property management. Alternatively, you can pursue a degree apprenticeship. To earn more as a Real Estate Manager, you can move into a specialised area, such as urban planning, or become an executive manager within a property business. You could also become self-employed or set up your own real estate agency.