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The average salary for a Database Administrator in U.S. is $104,810.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $104,810


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $50.39


What does a Database Administrator earn?

Database Administrators are typically paid around $104,810 per annum in the United States. Working with organizations of all sizes, Database Administrators are responsible for creating, organizing, and managing databases. They may also specialise in a particular area such as database design, maintenance, and optimization, or digital forensics.

How to earn more as a Database Administrator

To become a Database Administrator, you will need a degree in database technologies, computer science, or software engineering. Alternatively, you can gain specialized experience through an accredited apprenticeship. To increase your earnings, you can pursue an advanced specialist certification in database administration, or move into a managerial role in the IT industry. Additionally, you can become an independent contractor or start your own database consulting business.