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The average salary for a Chemical Engineer in U.S. is $122,910.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $122,910


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $59.09


What does a Chemical Engineer earn?

On average, chemical engineers earn around $122,910 per year in the U.S.. They work with clients to develop and improve a variety of products and processes, from fuels to healthcare solutions. Chemical engineers can choose to specialise in particular areas such as biotechnology, material science, and petrochemicals.

How to earn more as a Chemical Engineer

If you want to be a Chemical Engineer, you will need to obtain a degree in chemical engineering, science, or engineering. Alternatively, you can pursue a degree apprenticeship. To advance in this field, you could specialise in environmental engineering, materials science, or bioprocess engineering. You can also apply for managerial positions or even become self-employed and start your own chemical engineering firm.