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The average salary for an Art Director in U.S. is $125,920.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $125,920


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $60.54


What does an Art Director earn?

On average, art directors earn around $125,920 per year in the U.S. Art directors are creative professionals responsible for overseeing the artistic aspects of media projects. They guide the overall visual elements to ensure the concept of the project is consistent from the start to finish. An art director may work on projects such as the design of a book, magazine, website, or film.

How to earn more as an Art Director

To become an Art Director, you will need a degree in art, graphic design, or a related field. Alternatively, you could complete an apprenticeship program. To take your career further, you could specialise in areas like content strategy, motion design, or visual effects. Becoming a manager in a creative agency could also open up more advanced opportunities. Finally, you could set up your own design business or work freelance.