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The average salary for a Journalist in U.S. is $101,430.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $101,430


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $48.76


What does a Journalist earn?

On average, journalists in the U.S. earn around $101,430 a year. A journalist may have a variety of roles, from writing articles for news organisations to working for a TV or radio production company. There are opportunities for journalists to specialise in a particular niche, such as investigative journalism, sports journalism or arts and culture journalism.

How to earn more as a Journalist

To become a journalist, you will need a degree in journalism, journalism studies, media, or communication. Alternatively, you could gain valuable experience as an editorial assistant or as an intern in a related field. To improve your salary prospects as a journalist, you could move into a specialised area, such as investigative journalism, or become an editor for a media organisation. You could also establish yourself as an independent freelance journalist and work for multiple publications.