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The average salary for a Dietitian in U.S. is $71,280.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $71,280


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $34.27


What does a Dietitian earn?

On average, Dietitians earn around $71,280 per year in the U.S. Dietitians work with individuals to educate them on proper nutrition and help them create and follow healthy eating plans. Dietitians may also specialise in a specific area, such as pediatrics, sports nutrition, or clinical nutrition.

How to earn more as a Dietitian

To become a Dietitian, you will need a degree in Dietetics, Nutrition, Food Science, or Public Health. Alternatively, you can go through a degree apprenticeship. To increase your salary as a Dietitian, you can become specialised in certain areas of nutrition, such as sports nutrition, or move into a managerial position in a health related business. You could consider self-employment or open your own Dietitian practice.