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The average salary for an Optometrist in U.S. is $143,000.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $143,000


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $68.75


What does an Optometrist earn?

On average, optometrists earn around $143,000 per year in the U.S.. They work with clients of all ages, providing comprehensive eye care and advice. Optometrists can choose to specialise in fields such as paediatric optometry, ocular disease, or vision therapy.

How to earn more as an Optometrist

To become an optometrist, you will need to complete a degree in healthcare science, optometry, or ophthalmology. Alternatively, you can undertake an apprenticeship in optometry. To increase your earning potential, you can specialise in areas such as paediatric or geriatric optometry, or become a senior clinical optometrist. You could also go self-employed, setting up a practice in partnership with another optometrist.