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The average salary for a Medical Registrar in U.S. is $70,260.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $70,260


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $33.78


What does a Medical Registrar earn?

Medical Registrars typically earn $70,260 per year in the U.S. Medical Registrars look after the everyday running of a hospital, which includes supervising large teams of medical staff, managing beds and resources, overseeing medical records, and reporting data to higher echelons of medical staff. They provide an essential service, as well as guidance on medical and ethical standards to ensure that patients receive the best care possible. Medical Registrars can choose to specialize in a particular field such as emergency medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine or surgery, but regardless of the specialization, a Medical Registrar plays a vital role in the day-to-day running of any hospital.

How to earn more as a Medical Registrar

To become a Medical Registrar, you will require an undergraduate medical degree, as well as postgraduate training in a specialised area. Alternatively, you could undertake a postgraduate medical degree apprenticeship, allowing you to learn on the job. To earn more as a Medical Registrar, you may choose to become a Consultant in an area of healthcare, or a medical academic, or even a research doctor. Alternatively, you could work for the NHS or in the private sector, or even set up your own practice.