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The average salary for a Firefighter in U.S. is $60,390.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $60,390


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $29.03


What does a Firefighter earn?

On average, firefighters earn around $60,390 per year in the U.S.. Firefighters must be physically fit and able to handle physically and emotionally demanding situations. Firefighters respond to emergency situations, extinguish fires, and help with rescue operations if needed. Firefighters may also inspect buildings to ensure that fire safety systems are functioning properly.

How to earn more as a Firefighter

If you want to become a Firefighter, you will need to have specialized training and certifications from a firefighting academy. After that, you can either apply for a job with a fire department, or take one at a private company. To increase your earnings as a Firefighter, you could apply to become a Fire Captain, or move into a more specialized area like Fire Investigations or Fire Prevention. Another option is to become self-employed or open your own firefighting business.