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The average salary for a Pest Control Worker in U.S. is $44,650.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $44,650


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $21.46


What does a Pest Control Worker earn?

On average, pest control workers earn around $44,650 annually in the U.S.. These professionals work with clients ranging from homeowners to industrial complexes, providing assistance in controlling and eliminating pests. Pest control workers may choose to specialise in a certain field, such as rodents, bees, or termite infestations.

How to earn more as a Pest Control Worker

To become a Pest Control Worker, you'll need to undergo training and gain industry qualifications. Most pest control qualifications include a combination of classroom and field-based learning. To advance your career, you could take on a role as a Senior Pest Control Officer or a Supervisor in a pest control company. You also have the option to become self-employed and set up your own specialist pest control business.