Annual Average Salary Information
Annual Average Salary: $79,700
What does an Insurance Sales Agent earn?
Insurance Sales Agents in the U.S. typically earn an annual salary of around $79,700. They provide insurance solutions to clients from individuals to large corporations. They also provide guidance, advice, and service to clients, tailoring packages to their individual needs. Insurance Sales Agents may choose to specialise in a certain area such as life, health, or property insurance.
How to earn more as an Insurance Sales Agent
"To become an Insurance Sales Agent, you will need a degree in business, economics, finance, or a related field. You can also get on-the-job training, or participate in a degree apprenticeship. To increase your earning potential, you could move into a specialised area, such as underwriting, or become a manager at an insurance firm. You could also pursue self-employment or start up your own agency."