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The average salary for a Brokerage Clerk in U.S. is $63,130.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $63,130


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $30.35


What does a Brokerage Clerk earn?

Brokerage Clerks earn an average of $63,130 per year in the United States. Brokerage Clerks work with financial operations such as stock and bond transactions. They also handle customer orders and verify the accuracy of transaction data. In addition, Brokerage Clerks keep creditors informed of stock activity and provide updated records to customers. With experience, Brokerage Clerks may specialise in areas such as margin accounts and options trading.

How to earn more as a Brokerage Clerk

To become a Brokerage Clerk, you will need a degree in Economics, Business, or Finance, or alternatively, you can take a degree apprenticeship. To increase your wages as a Brokerage Clerk, you can move into a specialised area, such as investments and stocks, or climb the ladder and become a manager. Alternatively, you might even choose to go self-employed or start your own brokerage firm.