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The average salary for a Library Assistant in U.S. is $35,970.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $35,970


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $17.29


What does a Library Assistant earn?

On average, library assistants earn around $35,970 per year in the U.S. Library assistants help patrons find and borrow materials, providing information about library services and collections. They may also be responsible for processing new materials, running library programmes and maintaining records. Library assistants may choose to further their skills and experience by specialising in areas such as children's services, reference services, cataloguing and archives management.

How to earn more as a Library Assistant

To become a Library Assistant, you will need to demonstrate excellent knowledge of library processes and procedures. You may need to study for certifications in library studies or information sciences. The more experience and qualifications you have, the better your salary and job prospects. You could also consider alternative paths, like becoming a library manager, or opening your own library business. With the right qualifications, you could even pursue a career as a librarian or archivist.