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The average salary for a Public Safety Telecommunicator in U.S. is $52,140.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $52,140


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $25.07


What does a Public Safety Telecommunicator earn?

On average, Public Safety Telecommunicators earn around $52,140 per year in the U.S. Public Safety Telecommunicators provide a vital service by taking emergency calls, dispatching the appropriate personnel and resources, providing relevant guidance, and entering data into computers. They often serve as the coordination point between citizens and emergency response units, and are a strong link in the chain of public safety. Public Safety Telecommunicators also play a critical role in determining the most appropriate response, providing field responders with the vital information they need to help the public who are in danger.

How to earn more as a Public Safety Telecommunicator

To become a Public Safety Telecommunicator, you will need a degree in communications, emergency management, or technology. Alternatively, you can go through an apprenticeship program. To earn more in this field, you can get special training to become a supervisor, acquire knowledge on communication and tracking technologies, or become certified in emergency medical dispatching and other specialised areas. You could also work freelance to gain a wider range of experience and create unique opportunities to advance in your career.