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The average salary for a Tool Grinder in U.S. is $48,520.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $48,520


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $23.33


What does a Tool Grinder earn?

On average, tool grinders earn around $48,520 per year in the U.S.. Tool grinders are responsible for the sharpening of a wide range of cutting tools and metal fixtures for a variety of industries. A tool grinder can specialise in areas such as metalworking, metal fabrication, and precision machining.

How to earn more as a Tool Grinder

"To become a tool grinder, you'll need to develop familiarity with a variety of machines and physical tools. Alternatively, you can complete a vocational education program or apprenticeship to gain the necessary skills. To move up in this career, you could specialize in a particular type of technology or tool, become a supervisor of a machine shop, or take on a teaching role within the field. Self-employment is also an option, as you can set up your own tool grinding service or machine shop."