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The average salary for an Interviewer in Washington is $46,580.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $46,580


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $22.39


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Interviewer, Tester - NHBS PITCH Study in Pine Needle

The HIV/STI/HCV Program offers services and resources to decrease new infections and help those living with HIV, STIs, and HCV lead healthier lives.

The HIV/STI/HCV Program is seeking to hire a team of Interviewers to conduct structured interviews, conduct HIV & other testing and provide ...Read more

Interviewer, Tester - NHBS PITCH Study in Pine Needle

The HIV/STI/HCV Program offers services and resources to decrease new infections and help those living with HIV, STIs, and HCV lead healthier lives.

The HIV/STI/HCV Program is seeking to hire a team of Interviewers to conduct structured interviews, conduct HIV & other testing and provi ...Read more