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The average salary for an Administration in Kentucky is $42,450.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $42,450


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $20.41


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Administration and Clerical in Shepherdsville

What you'll do at

These roles will provide administrative support by performing clerical duties (e.g., filing, keying, faxing), entering data and extracting data from multiple systems. You will be using computer applications (e.g., email, spreadsheets, word processing and Microsoft Offic ...Read more

Administration and Clerical in Hopkinsville

What you'll do at

These roles will provide administrative support by performing clerical duties (e.g., filing, keying, faxing), entering data and extracting data from multiple systems. You will be using computer applications (e.g., email, spreadsheets, word processing and Microsoft Offic ...Read more

Administration and Clerical in London

What you'll do at

These roles will provide administrative support by performing clerical duties (e.g., filing, keying, faxing), entering data and extracting data from multiple systems. You will be using computer applications (e.g., email, spreadsheets, word processing and Microsoft Offic ...Read more