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The average salary for a Pest Control Worker in Georgia is $43,770.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $43,770


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $21.04


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Pest Control Technician in Montgomery

As a Pest Control Technician, you will be responsible for working with a variety of customers in the hospitality industry and other commercial businesses. By providing quality services and identifying solutions to pest problems you'll help our customers to protect their brand and support t ...Read more

Pest Control Technician in Wilmington Island

We are looking for motivated, driven individuals to join our team!

Start your career as a Pest Control Technician in our groundbreaking dual function pest control and fumigation position, supporting all aspects for pest elimination. In our 7-week comprehensive PAID TRAINING pr ...Read more

Pest Control Technician in Montgomery

As a Pest Control Technician, you will be responsible for working with a variety of customers in the hospitality industry and other commercial businesses. By providing quality services and identifying solutions to pest problems you'll help our customers to protect their brand and support t ...Read more

Pest Control Technician in Wilmington Island

As a Pest Control Technician, you will be responsible for working with a variety of customers in the hospitality industry and other commercial businesses. By providing quality services and identifying solutions to pest problems you'll help our customers to protect their brand and support thei ...Read more