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The average salary for an Electrician in U.S. is $67,810.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $67,810


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $32.60


What does an Electrician earn?

On average, electricians earn around $67,810 each year in the U.S.. They often work for a variety of clients, ranging from residential homes to large industrial organisations. An electrician may choose to specialise in a particular area such as automation, infrastructure, or renewable energy systems.

How to earn more as an Electrician

To become an electrician, you will need to take an apprenticeship, which combines theoretical studies with practical onsite experience. You can do this through a college or university, or through an employer. To move up the career ladder, you may need to complete a higher-level apprenticeship or gain additional qualifications. Alternatively, you may wish to move into a specialised area, such as cable installations or renewable energy, or become self-employed and set up your own electrical business.