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The average salary for a Career Education Teacher in U.S. is $69,020.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $69,020


What does a Career Education Teacher earn?

Career education teachers typically earn $69,020 per year in the U.S. They work with a variety of organizations, from small businesses to universities, providing advice and resources to help people advance their career. A career education teacher can choose to specialize in a particular area such as career counseling, training and development, or job placement.

How to earn more as a Career Education Teacher

To become a Career Education Teacher, you will need to have a college degree in career education, counseling, psychology, or vocational rehabilitation. Additionally, you may opt to go through a teaching certificate program to gain more knowledge and skills in related areas. To increase your earning potential, you may become a counselor, college advisor, business manager, or human resources manager. You may also choose to offer private classes, work with education nonprofits, or create your own consulting service.