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The average salary for a Faller in U.S. is $61,190.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $61,190


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $29.42


What does a Faller earn?

Fallers work in the construction industry, typically building and dismantling scaffolds. On average, they earn around $61,190 per year in the U.S. Fallers work on short-term projects, ranging from constructing and dismantling small residential scaffolds to large, complex industrial scaffolds. They also use specialised tools and materials to carry out their work. Fallers must have a good understanding of the safety procedures related to scaffold building, as well as the relevant regulations.

How to earn more as a Faller

If you want to become a faller, you will need to obtain certification from your provincial safety authority. A faller's certification course will include instruction in recognizing hazardous conditions, proper use of the appropriate falling techniques and tools, as well as other safety procedures. You can also take further courses in chain-saw safety and theory of interlocking techniques. To earn more as a faller, you could specialise in operating certain types of machinery or become a team leader. Alternatively, you can become self-employed and offer your services as a consulting faller.