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The average salary for a Home Health Aide in U.S. is $33,380.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $33,380


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $16.05


What does a Home Health Aide earn?

On average, a Home Health Aide in the U.S. earns roughly $33,380 per year. Home Health Aides assist clients with personal care and health care tasks, from basic everyday activities to offering medical services. They may also provide emotional and psychological support to clients in need and can specialise in specific areas such as geriatrics or hospice care.

How to earn more as a Home Health Aide

To become a Home Health Aide, you will need a degree in nursing, social work, or health care administration. Alternatively, you can also get a certificate from a program offered at a community college. To increase your job prospects and salary, you could consider working in a specialised area, such as hospice care. You could also become self-employed and provide private home health care services.