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The average salary for a Medical Assistant in Idaho is $42,110.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $42,110


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $20.24


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Medical Assistant/ Technician in Spokane

What is a Hospital Corpsman?

As Sailors, we rely on exceptional medical personnel to keep our servicemen and women healthy. As a Hospital Corpsman, you fulfill that critical role by assisting in a wide range of departments and procedures, from dispensing vaccines and analyzing lab sam ...Read more

Medical Assistant/ Technician in Hidden Springs

What is a Hospital Corpsman?

As Sailors, we rely on exceptional medical personnel to keep our servicemen and women healthy. As a Hospital Corpsman, you fulfill that critical role by assisting in a wide range of departments and procedures, from dispensing vaccines and analyzing lab sam ...Read more