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The average salary for a Motorcycle Mechanic in U.S. is $47,960.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $47,960


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $23.06


What does a Motorcycle Mechanic earn?

On average, motorcycle mechanics earn around $47,960 per year in the U.S., and are employed to carry out servicing, maintenance, and repair of motorcycles. Duties may include diagnosing faults, sourcing and fitting spare parts, or customising a motorcycle to perform beyond factory-set specifications. Motorcycle mechanics may choose to specialise in a particular area, such as ignition systems or fluid power systems.

How to earn more as a Motorcycle Mechanic

To become a motorcycle mechanic, you'll need a specialised diploma or certificate in motorbike mechanics. If you prefer taking a hands-on approach, you could attend a practical training course. To gain further experience and training, you could become an apprentice in a motorbike repair shop. To earn more in this industry, you should consider specialising in a specific type of motorbike or working as a qualified mechanic in a garage. Alternatively, you may take the plunge and establish your own independent motorcycle repair business.