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The average salary for a Geological Technician in U.S. is $64,590.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $64,590


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $31.05


What does a Geological Technician earn?

On average, geological technicians earn around $64,590 per year in the U.S.. Geological technicians work in various roles including conducting surveys or mapping work in the field, analysing the samples collected and giving expert advice on the geological information uncovered. They can also specialise in geophysics, geochemistry, and other geological sub-specialties.

How to earn more as a Geological Technician

To become a Geological Technician, you will need a degree in geology, chemistry, geophysics or a related field. Alternatively, you can pursue an apprenticeship in the field. To increase your earning potential as a Geological Technician, you can move into a specialised area such as environmental studies or mineral exploration. You could also start your own geological consultancy or become self-employed.