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The average salary for a Microbiologist in U.S. is $93,380.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $93,380


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $44.89


What does a Microbiologist earn?

On average, microbiologists earn around $93,380 per year in the U.S.. Microbiologists work with a variety of organisations, including public health bodies and pharmaceutical companies, using their knowledge of living organisms to inform best practice. They may specialise in areas such as medicine, biotechnology, or environmental science.

How to earn more as a Microbiologist

If you're looking to become a Microbiologist, you will need to have a degree in Microbiology or a related field. You may also explore the possibility of a degree apprenticeship. To achieve greater success on your career path, consider gaining specialised knowledge in an area of Microbiology such as research or becoming a manager in a relevant company. You could also opt to become self-employed or create your own microbiology firm.