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The average salary for an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist in U.S. is $85,570.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $85,570


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $41.14


What does an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist earn?

Occupational Health and Safety Specialists earn on average around $85,570 per year in the US. They work to ensure safety and health standards are met within organisations. An Occupational Health and Safety specialist might have an expertise in areas such as hazard assessment, safety audits, or training safety procedures.

How to earn more as an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist

To become an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist, you will need a degree in Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health, or Environmental Science. Alternatively, you can go through a degree apprenticeship. To earn more as an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist, you can move into a specialised area, such as Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics, or Construction Safety. You could also become self-employed or set up your own Occupational Health and Safety firm.