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The average salary for a School Psychologist in New York is $106,130.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $106,130


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $51.02


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Substitute social worker, counselor, school psychologist in East Avon

Avon Central School District has an anticipated opening in the Elementary School for two substitute Mental Health team members (school social worker, counselor, or school psychologist), for a leave of absence, with a potential start date of April 2025.

Avon Central School District is the ce ...Read more

School Social Worker/School Counselor/School Psychologist in Naples

Job Qualifications:

NYS School Social Worker, School Psychologist or School Counselor
  • Provide interdisciplinary consultation services to Educational Support Services team members, administrators and classroom teachers regarding student and fam ...Read more

School Based Psychologist in Wyoming

Job details

School Based Psychologist
When working in a school setting, psychologists like you provide a range of mental health services and support to students and families. By addressing the root cause of each child's concerns, you give every child what they need to succeed in the clas ...Read more