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The average salary for a Postmaster and Mail Superintendent in U.S. is $89,770.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $89,770


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $43.16


What does a Postmaster and Mail Superintendent earn?

On average, Postmasters and Mail Superintendents earn around $89,770 per year in the U.S.. They work with government, businesses and individuals to process mail and manage the delivery of mail services. Postmasters and Mail Superintendents oversee the mail department and its staff, handle customer inquiries and manage shipping and postal rates. They may also choose to specialise in a particular area such as customer service, marketing campaigns or data security.

How to earn more as a Postmaster and Mail Superintendent

If you want to become a Postmaster or Mail Superintendent, you will need to have experience in this field, such as working at a post office. You can also look into earning a degree in business, management, or finance to help you gain further expertise. To earn more money in this career, you could look into specialising in mail sorting and delivery, or move into a managerial role in a post office. You may even want to consider becoming a self-employed consultant or setting up your own post office business.