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The average salary for a Public Relations Manager in U.S. is $159,420.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $159,420

Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $76.65

What does a Public Relations Manager earn?

On average, Public Relations Managers earn around $159,420 per year in the U.S.. They work with clients ranging from small businesses to global corporations developing communications strategies to help promote their brands, products, and services. A Public Relations Manager can choose to specialise in a particular area such as marketing, media relations, or crisis management.

How to earn more as a Public Relations Manager

To become a Public Relations Manager, you will need a bachelor's degree in communications, journalism, marketing, business, or related field. Alternatively, you can gain experience working your way up in the field. To earn more as a Public Relations Manager, it can help to gain a certification in the field and specialise in a specific sector, such as corporate communications, government relations, or consumer relations. You could also consider self-employment, or starting your own public relations firm.