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The average salary for a Public Relations Manager in Kentucky is $112,270.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $112,270


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $53.97


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Public Relations/Marketing Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide in Boston

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further!

The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty.

With 20 years of experience ...Read more

Public Relations/Marketing Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide in Louisville

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further!

The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty.

With 20 years of experience ...Read more

Public Relations/Marketing Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide in Springfield

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further!

The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty.

With 20 years of experience ...Read more

Public Relations/Marketing Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide in Cambridge

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further!

The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty.

With 20 years of experience ...Read more

Public Relations/Marketing Internship Part-Time in Worldwide - Remote Worldwide in Quincy

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world? Look no further!

The Borgen Project is an international organization that works at the political level to improve living conditions for people impacted by war, famine and poverty.

With 20 years of experience ...Read more