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The average salary for an Animal Control Worker in U.S. is $48,150.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $48,150


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $23.15


What does an Animal Control Worker earn?

On average, animal control workers earn around $48,150 per year in the U.S. Animal control workers work in the animal welfare sector and address public safety and animal cruelty issues. They respond to an array of animal issues ranging from stray dogs to animal neglect and abuse cases. An animal control worker can specialise in particular areas such as rescue and rehabilitation, research and development, or public education.

How to earn more as an Animal Control Worker

"To become an Animal Control Worker, you'll need to gain a Certificate in Animal Control or a Diploma in Veterinary Nursing. You can also gain further qualifications to specialise in a specific area, such as Working Dog Handler or Wildlife Management. If you want to progress, you could opt for a managerial role in animal welfare or become a contractor for private organisations. Alternatively, you could set up your own Animal Control business."