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The average salary for a Fire Investigator in U.S. is $82,510.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $82,510


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $39.67


What does a Fire Investigator earn?

Fire Investigators typically earn around $82,510 every year in the U.S. Fire Investigators work with clients to investigate the cause of a fire. Fire Investigators have to be well versed with the science of fire and its behaviour in order to determine the source of ignition and possible contributors to the incident. Fire Investigators can also specialise in arson investigation, litigation support, and explosive fire investigation.

How to earn more as a Fire Investigator

To become a fire investigator, you will need to complete a degree in fire engineering, fire science, or forensic science. Alternatively, you could go through a police trainee programme or a degree apprenticeship. To progress further in this profession, you could specialise in areas such as accidental fire investigation, arson investigation, or digital forensics. You can also start your own private fire investigation consultancy or become self-employed.