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The average salary for a Parking Enforcement Worker in U.S. is $50,430.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $50,430


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $24.25


What does a Parking Enforcement Worker earn?

On average, parking enforcement workers earn around $50,430 per year in the U.S. Working with local transport authorities to ensure safe and fair parking management, they often help to reduce congestion. Parking enforcement workers control parking in designated areas by ensuring vehicles are legally parked and by issuing tickets when necessary. Some specialise in areas such as regulating cycle lanes and parking enforcement in business zones.

How to earn more as a Parking Enforcement Worker

To become a Parking Enforcement Worker, you will need a high school diploma or equivalent. Alternatively, you can go through a vocational programme or take relevant courses from an accredited college. To make more money in this role, you could consider further training and certification, such as Traffic Control and Management or Moving Violation Processing. You can also look for a supervisor or leadership roles within this field. Lastly, you could become self-employed and offer your service to local authorities.