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The average salary for a Police Officer in U.S. is $76,550.

Annual Average Salary Information

Annual Average Salary: $76,550


Hourly Pay Information

Hourly Average Salary: $36.80


What does a Police Officer earn?

On average, police officers earn around $76,550 per year in the U.S. Police officers are responsible for upholding the law and responding to calls for service in their local communities. Specialties within the field can include detective work, crowd control, and undercover operations.

How to earn more as a Police Officer

If you want to become a police officer, you typically need to have a degree in policing or criminal justice. You can also join the police force via a degree apprenticeship or directly from the police force's recruitment team. To further your career within the police force, you can specialise in a certain area, such as forensics or cybercrime. You can also become a senior police officer or an inspector. Alternatively, you could also become a self-employed bodyguard or security specialist.